Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My anarchy selfie TUT
I found a Photoshop portrait tutorial written by Grace Fuss and Sharon Milne   posted here called How to Design a Bollywood-Inspired Poster to Celebrate Hindu New Year and "How to Use Image Trace to Create a Surreal Portrait in Adobe Illustrator

 For my tutorial I used a mesh of both tutorials in order to create my own piece. While both tutorials were explicitly written, the bollywood poster was used on an older version of adobe illustrator. This caused a bit of a set back considering I would be using a much more sophisticated adobe photoshop. Also my own portrait picture did not feature a dance move like that of the bollywood poster, therefore I used  the second tutorial to create a different effect on myself.  Both Tutorials were aimed at intermediate uses and were longer in the process how ever my mixing and matching of both tutorials shortened the outcome. I learned new techniques and brushed up on others like opacity and properly layering textures over the image. I also got the chance to play with various exposures.

As mentioned I combined  two tutorials to come up with my own product.  I picked the best features of both these tutorials and simplified the outcome. This caused me to skip many steps and also look for short cuts. I previously stated that both tutorials used either a different version of photoshop or used another program, I would suggest to those who wish to  what I did , to also look up online how to do a similar effect and play with opacity as much as possible.

Overall the tutorial was fairly easy to however I would be more specific on how to layout materials and pictures if we will be cropping in pictures. Also despite being intermediate level, some of the techniques were little more advance as far as texture overlay.  Nonetheless these a great trials and they offer a good exposure to different programs and really push you to figure it out on your own.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"behind the scenes making how to fill in eye brows"

The making of:  How to fill in your eye brows 

Eyebrows are important. They help frame your face and  have the powers to change your expression. With brows being ta huge aesthetic it is important to stay up to date and keep them in check.

                                              Click here to see a step by step tutorial

 please Click here to print out an easy step by step and have your own set of instructions

While filming there was a lot of back ground nice due to the restroom vent and "free time" where i am just filling in the eyebrow not speaking. when editing came along i had to reduce the background noise and cut out the extra film. My raw video was actually 3 minutes long but it allowed me to have a variety of shots that would best suit the step I was demonstrating.  Also my camera girl did not get a good long shot of the finished product so I had to slow down the last shot slightly to get a better impression.

Where it all started 

A lot changed from my initial sketches. I planned to do a shot of the products of I used but that changed to multiple shots. Also , I was going to demonstrate how to fill in using only powder but Iended up doing both pencil and powder. My storyboard served more of an outline because my video has tips for each step as opposed to just the steps.